The time is now dawning when we can solve any problem together, quickly, easily and without any corruption, completely without politicians in parties.
We decide together

We are used to and it is so comfortable to hand over many decisions to politicians in parties or big organizations and then hope that these persons will make the best decision for us.
We overlook here that politicians in parties and persons in large organizations can very simply use the power transferred to them for themselves or be led from the outside over bribery, coercion up to hard blackmail in certain directions.
Large power in a few hands and organizations always means a very high risk for corruption and extortion. In addition, a government is generally not more intelligent than the complete population and looks at the problems only from a party-political point of view with the risk as just mentioned, massive influence from the outside at any time and very easily possible.
In short, we trust in the intelligence and common sense in the population.
The DECISIONFINDER is a model like all problems in few steps together, transparently, honestly, objectively and with empathy to be solved can. It does not give a chance to the negative elements such as arrogance, bribery, humiliation, blackmail, greed for money, corruption, greed for power, personal vanity and mendacity at any time.
The DECISIONFINDER is at the beginning like a small plant, which must be protected carefully and lives only from the positive elements such as empathy, love, objectivity, neutrality, honesty and transparency and thereby becomes ever stronger. Here, the best decision is struggled for together, always transparently, hard in the matter but always lovingly.
The DECISIONFINDER is however no central platform, but a collecting main which can be copied at any time and be converted then immediately at each place or region.
The DECISIONFINDER in your city
Simply register today in your city for example www.decisionfnder-townX and start solving problems in your city together with the people. Break away from encrusted party politics with its many negative elements and plant a small but proud grassroots democracy plant in your city. If all of you in your city take care of this new plant, it will grow quickly and give you and everyone in the city much joy. And we need many of these decisionfinder plants, all working together to put grassroots democracy on a broad and diverse footing.